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!  WALL ! STATS ! GOODIES ! YARA ! FAQ ! RSS ! EMV                                                      !
`--------------  - ---  ---------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----------------- -  ---- ---- --'

                                           ATM MALWARE NOTICE 
Date...........: 2015-09-04
Family.........: GreenDispenser
File name......: Patched.exe.ViR
File size......: 390.00 KB
Type file......: EXE/Windows
Virscan........: VT - HA
PDB Path found.: c:\src\Misc\sdel\Release\sdelete.pdb
Documentation..: http://www.kernelmode.info/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4043#p26807
Additional note: Patched version of 50db1f5e9692f217f356a592e413e6c9cb31105a94efc70a5ca1c2c73d95d572


Binary Histogram:


=== MZ Header === signature: "MZ" bytes_in_last_block: 144 0x90 blocks_in_file: 3 3 num_relocs: 0 0 header_paragraphs: 4 4 min_extra_paragraphs: 0 0 max_extra_paragraphs: 65535 0xffff ss: 0 0 sp: 184 0xb8 checksum: 0 0 ip: 0 0 cs: 0 0 reloc_table_offset: 64 0x40 overlay_number: 0 0 reserved0: 0 0 oem_id: 0 0 oem_info: 0 0 reserved2: 0 0 reserved3: 0 0 reserved4: 0 0 reserved5: 0 0 reserved6: 0 0 lfanew: 240 0xf0 === DOS STUB === 00000000: 0e 1f ba 0e 00 b4 09 cd 21 b8 01 4c cd 21 54 68 |........!..L.!Th| 00000010: 69 73 20 70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 20 63 61 6e 6e 6f |is program canno| 00000020: 74 20 62 65 20 72 75 6e 20 69 6e 20 44 4f 53 20 |t be run in DOS | 00000030: 6d 6f 64 65 2e 0d 0d 0a 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |mode....$.......| === RICH Header === LIB_ID VERSION TIMES_USED 4 4 8447 20ff 2 2 205 cd 50929 c6f1 27 1b 207 cf 50929 c6f1 70 46 206 ce 50929 c6f1 195 c3 147 93 30729 7809 13 d 1 1 0 0 174 ae 211 d3 60610 ecc2 21 15 201 c9 60610 ecc2 1 1 204 cc 60610 ecc2 1 1 === PE Header === signature: "PE\x00\x00" # IMAGE_FILE_HEADER: Machine: 332 0x14c x86 NumberOfSections: 5 5 TimeDateStamp: "2015-06-02 22:07:42" PointerToSymbolTable: 1919896667 0x726f4c5b NumberOfSymbols: 1564823652 0x5d455064 SizeOfOptionalHeader: 224 0xe0 Characteristics: 258 0x102 EXECUTABLE_IMAGE, 32BIT_MACHINE # IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32: Magic: 267 0x10b 32-bit executable LinkerVersion: 11.0 SizeOfCode: 153600 0x25800 SizeOfInitializedData: 253952 0x3e000 SizeOfUninitializedData: 0 0 AddressOfEntryPoint: 68204 0x10a6c BaseOfCode: 4096 0x1000 BaseOfData: 159744 0x27000 ImageBase: 4194304 0x400000 SectionAlignment: 4096 0x1000 FileAlignment: 512 0x200 OperatingSystemVersion: 5.1 ImageVersion: 0.0 SubsystemVersion: 5.1 Reserved1: 0 0 SizeOfImage: 421888 0x67000 SizeOfHeaders: 1024 0x400 CheckSum: 0 0 Subsystem: 2 2 WINDOWS_GUI DllCharacteristics: 33088 0x8140 DYNAMIC_BASE, NX_COMPAT TERMINAL_SERVER_AWARE SizeOfStackReserve: 1048576 0x100000 SizeOfStackCommit: 4096 0x1000 SizeOfHeapReserve: 1048576 0x100000 SizeOfHeapCommit: 4096 0x1000 LoaderFlags: 0 0 NumberOfRvaAndSizes: 16 0x10 === DATA DIRECTORY === EXPORT rva:0x 0 size:0x 0 IMPORT rva:0x 30974 size:0x a0 RESOURCE rva:0x 5c000 size:0x 1e0 EXCEPTION rva:0x 0 size:0x 0 SECURITY rva:0x 0 size:0x 0 BASERELOC rva:0x 5d000 size:0x 20d0 DEBUG rva:0x 0 size:0x 0 ARCHITECTURE rva:0x 0 size:0x 0 GLOBALPTR rva:0x 0 size:0x 0 TLS rva:0x 0 size:0x 0 LOAD_CONFIG rva:0x 2ebf0 size:0x 40 Bound_IAT rva:0x 0 size:0x 0 IAT rva:0x 27000 size:0x 24c Delay_IAT rva:0x 0 size:0x 0 CLR_Header rva:0x 0 size:0x 0 rva:0x 0 size:0x 0 === SECTIONS === NAME RVA VSZ RAW_SZ RAW_PTR nREL REL_PTR nLINE LINE_PTR FLAGS .text 1000 257ff 25800 400 0 0 0 0 60000020 R-X CODE .rdata 27000 a63a a800 25c00 0 0 0 0 40000040 R-- IDATA .data 32000 29f38 27c00 30400 0 0 0 0 c0000040 RW- IDATA .rsrc 5c000 1e0 200 58000 0 0 0 0 40000040 R-- IDATA ".Xyl2k!" 5d000 9544 9600 58200 0 0 0 0 42000040 R-- IDATA DISCARDABLE === RESOURCES === FILE_OFFSET CP LANG SIZE TYPE NAME 0x58060 0 0x409 381 MANIFEST #1 === IMPORTS === MODULE_NAME HINT ORD FUNCTION_NAME KERNEL32.dll 38a OutputDebugStringW KERNEL32.dll 2d2 HeapReAlloc KERNEL32.dll 467 SetFilePointerEx KERNEL32.dll 3c0 ReadFile KERNEL32.dll 157 FlushFileBuffers KERNEL32.dll 161 FreeEnvironmentStringsW KERNEL32.dll 1da GetEnvironmentStringsW KERNEL32.dll 279 GetSystemTimeAsFileTime KERNEL32.dll 3a7 QueryPerformanceCounter KERNEL32.dll 1f3 GetFileType KERNEL32.dll 237 GetOEMCP KERNEL32.dll 168 GetACP KERNEL32.dll 33f LoadLibraryW KERNEL32.dll 1ac GetConsoleMode KERNEL32.dll 19a GetConsoleCP KERNEL32.dll 24a GetProcessHeap KERNEL32.dll 525 WriteFile KERNEL32.dll 264 GetStdHandle KERNEL32.dll 2d4 HeapSize KERNEL32.dll 10f EnumSystemLocalesW KERNEL32.dll 29b GetUserDefaultLCID KERNEL32.dll 30c IsValidLocale KERNEL32.dll 206 GetLocaleInfoW KERNEL32.dll 32d LCMapStringW KERNEL32.dll 487 SetStdHandle KERNEL32.dll 524 WriteConsoleW KERNEL32.dll 3be ReadConsoleW KERNEL32.dll 8f CreateFileW KERNEL32.dll 453 SetEndOfFile KERNEL32.dll b5 CreateThread KERNEL32.dll 277 GetSystemTime KERNEL32.dll 473 SetLastError KERNEL32.dll 37d OpenMutexW KERNEL32.dll 214 GetModuleFileNameW KERNEL32.dll 2a7 GetVolumeInformationW KERNEL32.dll 9e CreateMutexW KERNEL32.dll 202 GetLastError KERNEL32.dll 213 GetModuleFileNameA KERNEL32.dll 1c1 GetCurrentProcessId KERNEL32.dll 52 CloseHandle KERNEL32.dll 1c5 GetCurrentThreadId KERNEL32.dll 4b2 Sleep KERNEL32.dll 30a IsValidCodePage KERNEL32.dll 1c0 GetCurrentProcess KERNEL32.dll 218 GetModuleHandleW KERNEL32.dll 263 GetStartupInfoW KERNEL32.dll 4c6 TlsFree KERNEL32.dll 4c8 TlsSetValue KERNEL32.dll 4c7 TlsGetValue KERNEL32.dll 4c5 TlsAlloc KERNEL32.dll 4c0 TerminateProcess KERNEL32.dll 4a5 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter KERNEL32.dll 4d3 UnhandledExceptionFilter KERNEL32.dll 2e3 InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount KERNEL32.dll 172 GetCPInfo KERNEL32.dll 418 RtlUnwind KERNEL32.dll 511 WideCharToMultiByte KERNEL32.dll 2ef InterlockedIncrement KERNEL32.dll 2eb InterlockedDecrement KERNEL32.dll ea EncodePointer KERNEL32.dll ca DecodePointer KERNEL32.dll ee EnterCriticalSection KERNEL32.dll 339 LeaveCriticalSection KERNEL32.dll d1 DeleteCriticalSection KERNEL32.dll 367 MultiByteToWideChar KERNEL32.dll 269 GetStringTypeW KERNEL32.dll 300 IsDebuggerPresent KERNEL32.dll 304 IsProcessorFeaturePresent KERNEL32.dll 245 GetProcAddress KERNEL32.dll 33e LoadLibraryExW KERNEL32.dll 2cf HeapFree KERNEL32.dll 2cb HeapAlloc KERNEL32.dll 119 ExitProcess KERNEL32.dll 217 GetModuleHandleExW KERNEL32.dll 15 AreFileApisANSI KERNEL32.dll 186 GetCommandLineA KERNEL32.dll 3b1 RaiseException USER32.dll dc EndPaint USER32.dll a6 DestroyWindow USER32.dll 237 PostQuitMessage USER32.dll f6 FillRect USER32.dll d0 DrawTextW USER32.dll cd DrawTextA USER32.dll 1eb LoadCursorW USER32.dll e BeginPaint USER32.dll 1ed LoadIconW USER32.dll 1be InvalidateRect USER32.dll 196 GetWindowLongW USER32.dll 265 ReleaseDC USER32.dll 2c4 SetWindowLongW USER32.dll 6e CreateWindowExW USER32.dll 17e GetSystemMetrics USER32.dll 27c SendMessageW USER32.dll 9c DefWindowProcW USER32.dll 15d GetMessageW USER32.dll 2fc TranslateMessage USER32.dll af DispatchMessageW USER32.dll 5e CreateDesktopW USER32.dll 22a OpenInputDesktop USER32.dll 4a CloseDesktop USER32.dll 2e8 SwitchDesktop USER32.dll 2ba SetThreadDesktop USER32.dll 2df ShowWindow USER32.dll 24d RegisterClassExW GDI32.dll 2a6 SetTextColor GDI32.dll e3 DeleteDC GDI32.dll 35 CreateDIBSection GDI32.dll 27e SetBkColor GDI32.dll 27f SetBkMode GDI32.dll e6 DeleteObject GDI32.dll 277 SelectObject GDI32.dll 30 CreateCompatibleDC GDI32.dll 41 CreateFontW GDI32.dll 288 SetDIBits GDI32.dll 1fd GetObjectW GDI32.dll 54 CreateSolidBrush GDI32.dll 13 BitBlt ADVAPI32.dll ba CryptEncrypt ADVAPI32.dll ca CryptImportKey ADVAPI32.dll c1 CryptGenRandom ADVAPI32.dll cb CryptReleaseContext ADVAPI32.dll cd CryptSetKeyParam ADVAPI32.dll b1 CryptAcquireContextW ADVAPI32.dll 230 RegCloseKey ADVAPI32.dll 261 RegOpenKeyExW ADVAPI32.dll 260 RegOpenKeyExA ADVAPI32.dll 24e RegEnumKeyExA ADVAPI32.dll 26d RegQueryValueExA ADVAPI32.dll b7 CryptDestroyKey SHELL32.dll 11e ShellExecuteA MSXFS.dll 19 WFSExecute MSXFS.dll 1f WFSOpen MSXFS.dll 1b WFSGetInfo MSXFS.dll 1a WFSFreeResult MSXFS.dll 1d WFSIsBlocking MSXFS.dll 22 WFSStartUp MSXFS.dll 15 WFSClose SHLWAPI.dll 48 PathFindFileNameA SHLWAPI.dll 33 PathAppendA SHLWAPI.dll 8a PathRemoveFileSpecA === Packer / Compiler === MS Visual C++ v8.0
=== Strings ===
File pos Mem pos ID Text ======== ======= == ==== 00000000004D 00000040004D 0 !This program cannot be run in DOS mode. 0000000000F8 0000004000F8 0 .)nU[LordPE] 0000000001E8 0000004001E8 0 .text 000000000210 000000400210 0 .rdata 000000000237 000000400237 0 @.data 000000000260 000000400260 0 .rsrc 000000000287 000000400287 0 @.Xyl2k! 000000002281 000000402E81 0 sC+1W 000000002720 000000403320 0 PQSVW 000000003133 000000403D33 0 D$DPh 0000000059CF 0000004065CF 0 D$@SVW 000000005B1F 00000040671F 0 CD$<P 000000005B29 000000406729 0 D$$RP 000000005BDA 0000004067DA 0 D$ j@P 000000005C5A 00000040685A 0 D$ j@P 000000005CDD 0000004068DD 0 D$$j@P 000000005D5D 00000040695D 0 D$$j@P 000000005F87 000000406B87 0 D$8jlP 0000000061B8 000000406DB8 0 D$8jlP 000000006459 000000407059 0 D$DPS 000000006502 000000407102 0 CD$@P 00000000657C 00000040717C 0 D$ ;D$(u 0000000065E2 0000004071E2 0 CD$@VW 0000000066B1 0000004072B1 0 CD$\P 0000000066D8 0000004072D8 0 CD$DP 000000006725 000000407325 0 CD$DP 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0 device or resource busy 00000002640C 00000042780C 0 io error 000000026418 000000427818 0 directory not empty 00000002642C 00000042782C 0 invalid argument 000000026440 000000427840 0 no space on device 000000026454 000000427854 0 no such file or directory 000000026470 000000427870 0 function not supported 000000026488 000000427888 0 no lock available 00000002649C 00000042789C 0 not enough memory 0000000264B0 0000004278B0 0 resource unavailable try again 0000000264D0 0000004278D0 0 cross device link 0000000264E4 0000004278E4 0 operation canceled 0000000264F8 0000004278F8 0 too many files open 00000002650C 00000042790C 0 permission_denied 000000026520 000000427920 0 address_in_use 000000026530 000000427930 0 address_not_available 000000026548 000000427948 0 address_family_not_supported 000000026568 000000427968 0 connection_already_in_progress 000000026588 000000427988 0 bad_file_descriptor 00000002659C 00000042799C 0 connection_aborted 0000000265B0 0000004279B0 0 connection_refused 0000000265C4 0000004279C4 0 connection_reset 0000000265D8 0000004279D8 0 destination_address_required 0000000265F8 0000004279F8 0 bad_address 000000026604 000000427A04 0 host_unreachable 000000026618 000000427A18 0 operation_in_progress 000000026630 000000427A30 0 interrupted 00000002663C 000000427A3C 0 invalid_argument 000000026650 000000427A50 0 already_connected 000000026664 000000427A64 0 too_many_files_open 000000026678 000000427A78 0 message_size 000000026688 000000427A88 0 filename_too_long 00000002669C 000000427A9C 0 network_down 0000000266AC 000000427AAC 0 network_reset 0000000266BC 000000427ABC 0 network_unreachable 0000000266D0 000000427AD0 0 no_buffer_space 0000000266E0 000000427AE0 0 no_protocol_option 0000000266F4 000000427AF4 0 not_connected 000000026704 000000427B04 0 not_a_socket 000000026714 000000427B14 0 operation_not_supported 00000002672C 000000427B2C 0 protocol_not_supported 000000026744 000000427B44 0 wrong_protocol_type 000000026758 000000427B58 0 timed_out 000000026764 000000427B64 0 operation_would_block 00000002677C 000000427B7C 0 address family not supported 00000002679C 000000427B9C 0 address in use 0000000267AC 000000427BAC 0 address not available File pos Mem pos ID Text ======== ======= == ==== 0000000267C4 000000427BC4 0 already connected 0000000267D8 000000427BD8 0 argument list too long 0000000267F0 000000427BF0 0 argument out of domain 000000026808 000000427C08 0 bad address 000000026814 000000427C14 0 bad file descriptor 000000026828 000000427C28 0 bad message 000000026834 000000427C34 0 broken pipe 000000026840 000000427C40 0 connection aborted 000000026854 000000427C54 0 connection already in progress 000000026874 000000427C74 0 connection refused 000000026888 000000427C88 0 connection reset 00000002689C 000000427C9C 0 destination address required 0000000268BC 000000427CBC 0 executable format error 0000000268D4 000000427CD4 0 file too large 0000000268E4 000000427CE4 0 host unreachable 0000000268F8 000000427CF8 0 identifier removed 00000002690C 000000427D0C 0 illegal byte sequence 000000026924 000000427D24 0 inappropriate io control operation 000000026948 000000427D48 0 invalid seek 000000026958 000000427D58 0 is a directory 000000026968 000000427D68 0 message size 000000026978 000000427D78 0 network down 000000026988 000000427D88 0 network reset 000000026998 000000427D98 0 network unreachable 0000000269AC 000000427DAC 0 no buffer space 0000000269BC 000000427DBC 0 no child process 0000000269D0 000000427DD0 0 no link 0000000269D8 000000427DD8 0 no message available 0000000269F0 000000427DF0 0 no message 0000000269FC 000000427DFC 0 no protocol option 000000026A10 000000427E10 0 no stream resources 000000026A24 000000427E24 0 no such device or address 000000026A40 000000427E40 0 no such process 000000026A50 000000427E50 0 not a directory 000000026A60 000000427E60 0 not a socket 000000026A70 000000427E70 0 not a stream 000000026A80 000000427E80 0 not connected 000000026A90 000000427E90 0 not supported 000000026AA0 000000427EA0 0 operation in progress 000000026AB8 000000427EB8 0 operation not permitted 000000026AD0 000000427ED0 0 operation not supported 000000026AE8 000000427EE8 0 operation would block 000000026B00 000000427F00 0 owner dead 000000026B0C 000000427F0C 0 protocol error 000000026B1C 000000427F1C 0 protocol not supported 000000026B34 000000427F34 0 read only file system 000000026B4C 000000427F4C 0 resource deadlock would occur 000000026B6C 000000427F6C 0 result out of range 000000026B80 000000427F80 0 state not recoverable 000000026B98 000000427F98 0 stream timeout 000000026BA8 000000427FA8 0 text file busy 000000026BB8 000000427FB8 0 timed out 000000026BC4 000000427FC4 0 too many files open in system 000000026BE4 000000427FE4 0 too many links 000000026BF4 000000427FF4 0 too many symbolic link levels 000000026C14 000000428014 0 value too large 000000026C24 000000428024 0 wrong protocol type 000000026CB4 0000004280B4 0 bad allocation 000000026E44 000000428244 0 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 000000026E94 000000428294 0 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz File pos Mem pos ID Text ======== ======= == ==== 000000026EC8 0000004282C8 0 000000026F58 000000428358 0 0123456789abcdefABCDEF 000000027044 000000428444 0 Unknown exception 00000002707C 00000042847C 0 CorExitProcess 0000000270BC 0000004284BC 0 bad exception 000000027678 000000428A78 0 !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\] 0000000276B9 000000428AB9 0 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ 0000000277F8 000000428BF8 0 !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\] 000000027839 000000428C39 0 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~ 0000000278F8 000000428CF8 0 FlsAlloc 000000027904 000000428D04 0 FlsFree 00000002790C 000000428D0C 0 FlsGetValue 000000027918 000000428D18 0 FlsSetValue 000000027924 000000428D24 0 InitializeCriticalSectionEx 000000027940 000000428D40 0 CreateSemaphoreExW 000000027954 000000428D54 0 SetThreadStackGuarantee 00000002796C 000000428D6C 0 CreateThreadpoolTimer 000000027984 000000428D84 0 SetThreadpoolTimer 000000027998 000000428D98 0 WaitForThreadpoolTimerCallbacks 0000000279B8 000000428DB8 0 CloseThreadpoolTimer 0000000279D0 000000428DD0 0 CreateThreadpoolWait 0000000279E8 000000428DE8 0 SetThreadpoolWait 0000000279FC 000000428DFC 0 CloseThreadpoolWait 000000027A10 000000428E10 0 FlushProcessWriteBuffers 000000027A2C 000000428E2C 0 FreeLibraryWhenCallbackReturns 000000027A4C 000000428E4C 0 GetCurrentProcessorNumber 000000027A68 000000428E68 0 GetLogicalProcessorInformation 000000027A88 000000428E88 0 CreateSymbolicLinkW 000000027A9C 000000428E9C 0 SetDefaultDllDirectories 000000027AB8 000000428EB8 0 EnumSystemLocalesEx 000000027ACC 000000428ECC 0 CompareStringEx 000000027ADC 000000428EDC 0 GetDateFormatEx 000000027AEC 000000428EEC 0 GetLocaleInfoEx 000000027AFC 000000428EFC 0 GetTimeFormatEx 000000027B0C 000000428F0C 0 GetUserDefaultLocaleName 000000027B28 000000428F28 0 IsValidLocaleName 000000027B3C 000000428F3C 0 LCMapStringEx 000000027B4C 000000428F4C 0 GetCurrentPackageId 00000002A71C 00000042BB1C 0 log10 00000002A754 00000042BB54 0 atan2 00000002A778 00000042BB78 0 floor 00000002A790 00000042BB90 0 ldexp 00000002A798 00000042BB98 0 _cabs 00000002A7A0 00000042BBA0 0 _hypot 00000002A7B0 00000042BBB0 0 frexp 00000002A7C4 00000042BBC4 0 _logb 00000002A7CC 00000042BBCC 0 _nextafter 00000002A7F4 00000042BBF4 0 Sunday 00000002A7FC 00000042BBFC 0 Monday 00000002A804 00000042BC04 0 Tuesday 00000002A80C 00000042BC0C 0 Wednesday 00000002A818 00000042BC18 0 Thursday 00000002A824 00000042BC24 0 Friday 00000002A82C 00000042BC2C 0 Saturday 00000002A868 00000042BC68 0 January 00000002A870 00000042BC70 0 February 00000002A87C 00000042BC7C 0 March 00000002A884 00000042BC84 0 April 00000002A89C 00000042BC9C 0 August 00000002A8A4 00000042BCA4 0 September File pos Mem pos ID Text ======== ======= == ==== 00000002A8B0 00000042BCB0 0 October 00000002A8B8 00000042BCB8 0 November 00000002A8C4 00000042BCC4 0 December 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00000042C63D 0 vector vbase constructor iterator' 00000002B261 00000042C661 0 virtual displacement map' 00000002B27D 00000042C67D 0 eh vector constructor iterator' 00000002B2A1 00000042C6A1 0 eh vector destructor iterator' 00000002B2C1 00000042C6C1 0 eh vector vbase constructor iterator' 00000002B2E9 00000042C6E9 0 copy constructor closure' 00000002B305 00000042C705 0 udt returning' 00000002B321 00000042C721 0 local vftable' 00000002B331 00000042C731 0 local vftable constructor closure' 00000002B354 00000042C754 0 new[] 00000002B35C 00000042C75C 0 delete[] File pos Mem pos ID Text ======== ======= == ==== 00000002B369 00000042C769 0 omni callsig' 00000002B379 00000042C779 0 placement delete closure' 00000002B395 00000042C795 0 placement delete[] closure' 00000002B3B5 00000042C7B5 0 managed vector constructor iterator' 00000002B3DD 00000042C7DD 0 managed vector destructor iterator' 00000002B405 00000042C805 0 eh vector copy constructor iterator' 00000002B42D 00000042C82D 0 eh vector 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0 unknown error 00000002C414 00000042D814 0 iostream 00000002C420 00000042D820 0 iostream stream error 00000002C438 00000042D838 0 system 00000002C440 00000042D840 0 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/ 00000002C484 00000042D884 0 string too long 00000002C494 00000042D894 0 invalid string position 00000002C4AC 00000042D8AC 0 bad locale name 00000002C4BC 00000042D8BC 0 false 00000002C4CC 00000042D8CC 0 ios_base::badbit set 00000002C4E4 00000042D8E4 0 ios_base::failbit set 00000002C4FC 00000042D8FC 0 ios_base::eofbit set 00000002C558 00000042D958 0 .DEFAULT\XFS\LOGICAL_SERVICES\ 00000002C578 00000042D978 0 class 00000002C584 00000042D984 0 vector<T> too long 00000002C598 00000042D998 0 bad cast 00000002C5A8 00000042D9A8 0 Press 1 to dispense money, 8 to permanently delete, 88 to force delete or 9 to pause 00000002C60C 00000042DA0C 0 Bills left: 00000002C61C 00000042DA1C 0 time(s) 00000002C628 00000042DA28 0 Wrong key. Tried: 00000002C63C 00000042DA3C 0 Enter second key. Press 9 to pause, 8 to permanently delete 00000002C680 00000042DA80 0 del.exe 00000002C690 00000042DA90 0 " /accepteula -p 3 -q " 00000002C6AB 00000042DAAB 0 shutdown -t 0 -r -f 00000002C6C0 00000042DAC0 0 del "%~f0" 00000002C6CF 00000042DACF 0 del " 00000002C6DA 00000042DADA 0 del " 00000002C6E0 00000042DAE0 0 ">NUL 00000002C6E7 00000042DAE7 0 if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto start 00000002C70C 00000042DB0C 0 " 2>NUL | find /I /N " 00000002C724 00000042DB24 0 :start 00000002C72C 00000042DB2C 0 tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq 00000002C748 00000042DB48 0 del.bat File pos Mem pos ID Text ======== ======= == ==== 00000002C754 00000042DB54 0 cmd.exe /C " 00000002C764 00000042DB64 0 cmd.exe 00000002C784 00000042DB84 0 ERROR 00000002D650 00000042EA50 0 Blocking operation in progress 00000002D670 00000042EA70 0 No blocking operation in progress 00000002D694 00000042EA94 0 Device WFS_ERR_OP_IN_PROGRESS 00000002D6B4 00000042EAB4 0 pinpad is busy 00000002D6C4 00000042EAC4 0 pinpad not busy 00000002D6F0 00000042EAF0 0 Pinpad1 00000002D6F8 00000042EAF8 0 Failed to open registry 00000002D7DB 00000042EBDB 0 raB3G 00000002F862 000000430C62 0 GetCurrentProcess 00000002F876 000000430C76 0 Sleep 00000002F87E 000000430C7E 0 GetCurrentThreadId 00000002F894 000000430C94 0 CloseHandle 00000002F8A2 000000430CA2 0 GetCurrentProcessId 00000002F8B8 000000430CB8 0 GetModuleFileNameA 00000002F8CE 000000430CCE 0 GetLastError 00000002F8DE 000000430CDE 0 GetVolumeInformationW 00000002F8F6 000000430CF6 0 CreateMutexW 00000002F906 000000430D06 0 GetModuleFileNameW 00000002F91C 000000430D1C 0 OpenMutexW 00000002F92A 000000430D2A 0 SetLastError 00000002F93A 000000430D3A 0 GetSystemTime 00000002F94A 000000430D4A 0 CreateThread 00000002F958 000000430D58 0 KERNEL32.dll 00000002F968 000000430D68 0 ShowWindow 00000002F976 000000430D76 0 SetThreadDesktop 00000002F98A 000000430D8A 0 SwitchDesktop 00000002F99A 000000430D9A 0 CloseDesktop 00000002F9AA 000000430DAA 0 OpenInputDesktop 00000002F9BE 000000430DBE 0 CreateDesktopW 00000002F9D0 000000430DD0 0 DispatchMessageW 00000002F9E4 000000430DE4 0 TranslateMessage 00000002F9F8 000000430DF8 0 GetMessageW 00000002FA06 000000430E06 0 DefWindowProcW 00000002FA18 000000430E18 0 SendMessageW 00000002FA28 000000430E28 0 GetSystemMetrics 00000002FA3C 000000430E3C 0 CreateWindowExW 00000002FA4E 000000430E4E 0 SetWindowLongW 00000002FA60 000000430E60 0 ReleaseDC 00000002FA6C 000000430E6C 0 GetWindowLongW 00000002FA7E 000000430E7E 0 InvalidateRect 00000002FA90 000000430E90 0 LoadIconW 00000002FA9C 000000430E9C 0 RegisterClassExW 00000002FAB0 000000430EB0 0 BeginPaint 00000002FABE 000000430EBE 0 LoadCursorW 00000002FACC 000000430ECC 0 DrawTextA 00000002FAD8 000000430ED8 0 DrawTextW 00000002FAE4 000000430EE4 0 FillRect 00000002FAF0 000000430EF0 0 PostQuitMessage 00000002FB02 000000430F02 0 DestroyWindow 00000002FB12 000000430F12 0 EndPaint 00000002FB1C 000000430F1C 0 USER32.dll 00000002FB2A 000000430F2A 0 CreateSolidBrush 00000002FB3E 000000430F3E 0 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0000004310B2 0 CryptEncrypt 00000002FCC2 0000004310C2 0 CryptDestroyKey 00000002FCD2 0000004310D2 0 ADVAPI32.dll 00000002FCE2 0000004310E2 0 ShellExecuteA 00000002FCF0 0000004310F0 0 SHELL32.dll 00000002FCFE 0000004310FE 0 WFSGetInfo 00000002FD0C 00000043110C 0 WFSFreeResult 00000002FD1C 00000043111C 0 WFSOpen 00000002FD26 000000431126 0 WFSClose 00000002FD32 000000431132 0 WFSExecute 00000002FD40 000000431140 0 WFSStartUp 00000002FD4E 00000043114E 0 WFSIsBlocking 00000002FD5C 00000043115C 0 MSXFS.dll 00000002FD68 000000431168 0 PathRemoveFileSpecA 00000002FD7E 00000043117E 0 PathAppendA 00000002FD8C 00000043118C 0 PathFindFileNameA 00000002FD9E 00000043119E 0 SHLWAPI.dll 00000002FDAC 0000004311AC 0 WideCharToMultiByte 00000002FDC2 0000004311C2 0 InterlockedIncrement 00000002FDDA 0000004311DA 0 InterlockedDecrement 00000002FDF2 0000004311F2 0 EncodePointer 00000002FE02 000000431202 0 DecodePointer 00000002FE12 000000431212 0 EnterCriticalSection 00000002FE2A 00000043122A 0 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Plauger, licensed by Dinkumware, Ltd. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 000000030808 000000432408 0 .?AVtype_info@@ 000000030D98 000000432998 0 .?AVbad_exception@std@@ 0000000312F2 000000432EF2 0 0000000313D9 000000432FD9 0 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0000000313F9 000000432FF9 0 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 000000031512 000000433112 0 0000000315F2 0000004331F2 0 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz File pos Mem pos ID Text ======== ======= == ==== 000000031612 000000433212 0 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 000000031B7E 00000043377E 0 z?aUY 000000031BC0 0000004337C0 0 zc%C1 000000031C13 000000433813 0 -64OS 000000031C58 000000433858 0 .?AV_Iostream_error_category@std@@ 000000031C84 000000433884 0 .?AV_System_error_category@std@@ 000000031CB0 0000004338B0 0 .?AVerror_category@std@@ 000000031CD4 0000004338D4 0 .?AV_Generic_error_category@std@@ 000000031D00 000000433900 0 .?AVsystem_error@std@@ 000000031D20 000000433920 0 .?AVbad_cast@std@@ 000000031D3C 00000043393C 0 .?AVexception@std@@ 000000031D58 000000433958 0 .?AVfailure@ios_base@std@@ 000000031D7C 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00000044E593 0 SSSSS 00000004CAB8 00000044E6B8 0 0SSSSS 00000004CC78 00000044E878 0 WWWWW 00000004D062 00000044EC62 0 WWWWW 00000004D299 00000044EE99 0 SSSSS 00000004D303 00000044EF03 0 SSSSS 00000004D32D 00000044EF2D 0 WWWWW 00000004D39F 00000044EF9F 0 WWWWW 00000004D3E0 00000044EFE0 0 VVVVV File pos Mem pos ID Text ======== ======= == ==== 00000004D46E 00000044F06E 0 0SSSSS 00000004D4E8 00000044F0E8 0 SSSSS 00000004D546 00000044F146 0 8VVVVV 00000004D5C5 00000044F1C5 0 VVVVV 00000004D776 00000044F376 0 SSSSS 00000004DB1B 00000044F71B 0 SSSSS 00000004DB58 00000044F758 0 SSSSS 00000004DBEE 00000044F7EE 0 QQSV3 00000004DC0A 00000044F80A 0 VVVVj 00000004DD1F 00000044F91F 0 9=PkB 00000004DF16 00000044FB16 0 t{~Bj 00000004E0E7 00000044FCE7 0 SSSSS 00000004E124 00000044FD24 0 SSSSS 00000004E296 00000044FE96 0 SSSSS 00000004E2B7 00000044FEB7 0 tSj=V 00000004E442 000000450042 0 @Y@PW 00000004E453 000000450053 0 SSSSS 00000004E504 000000450104 0 SSSSS 00000004E53E 00000045013E 0 SSSSS 00000004EC90 000000450890 0 \pard\lang1033\b0\fs20\par 00000004ECB0 0000004508B0 0 \b EFFET JURIDIQUE.\b0 Le pr\'e9sent contrat d\'e9crit certains droits juridiques. Vous pourriez avoir d'autres droits pr\'e9vus par les lois de votre pays. Le pr\'e9sent contrat ne modifie pas les droits que vous conf\'e8rent les lois de votre pays si celles-ci ne le permettent pas.\b\par 00000004EDD8 0000004509D8 0 \pard\sb120\sa120 Elle s'applique \'e9galement, m\'eame si Sysinternals connaissait ou devrait conna\'eetre l'\'e9ventualit\'e9 d'un tel dommage. Si votre pays n'autorise pas l'exclusion ou la limitation de responsabilit\'e9 pour les dommages indirects, accessoires ou de quelque nature que ce soit, il se peut que la limitation ou l'exclusion ci-dessus ne s'appliquera pas \'e0 votre \'e9gard.\par 00000004EF68 000000450B68 0 \pard\fi-363\li720\sb120\sa120\tx720\'b7\tab les r\'e9clamations au titre de violation de contrat ou de garantie, ou au titre de responsabilit\'e9 stricte, de n\'e9gligence ou d'une autre faute dans la limite autoris\'e9e par la loi en vigueur.\par 00000004F068 000000450C68 0 \pard\keepn\fi-360\li720\sb120\sa120\tx720\lang1036\'b7\tab tout ce qui est reli\'e9 au logiciel, aux services ou au contenu (y compris le code) figurant sur des sites Internet tiers ou dans des programmes tiers ; et\par 00000004F148 000000450D48 0 \lang1033 Cette limitation concerne :\par 00000004F178 000000450D78 0 \pard\keepn\sb120\sa120\b LIMITATION DES DOMMAGES-INT\'c9R\'caTS ET EXCLUSION DE RESPONSABILIT\'c9 POUR LES DOMMAGES.\b0 Vous pouvez obtenir de Sysinternals et de ses fournisseurs une indemnisation en cas de dommages directs uniquement \'e0 hauteur de 5,00 $ US. Vous ne pouvez pr\'e9tendre \'e0 aucune indemnisation pour les autres dommages, y compris les dommages sp\'e9ciaux, indirects ou accessoires et pertes de b\'e9n\'e9fices.\par 00000004F330 000000450F30 0 \pard\sb120\sa120 EXON\'c9RATION DE GARANTIE.\b0 Le logiciel vis\'e9 par une licence est offert \'ab tel quel \'bb. Toute utilisation de ce logiciel est \'e0 votre seule risque et p\'e9ril. Sysinternals n'accorde aucune autre garantie expresse. Vous pouvez b\'e9n\'e9ficier de droits additionnels en vertu du droit local sur la protection dues consommateurs, que ce contrat ne peut modifier. La ou elles sont permises par le droit locale, les garanties implicites de qualit\'e9 marchande, d'ad\'e9quation \'e0 un usage particulier et d'absence de contrefa\'e7on sont exclues.\par 00000004F578 000000451178 0 \pard\sb240\lang1036 Remarque : Ce logiciel \'e9tant distribu\'e9 au Qu\'e9bec, Canada, certaines des clauses dans ce contrat sont fournies ci-dessous en fran\'e7ais.\par 00000004F628 000000451228 0 \pard\b Please note: As this software is distributed in Quebec, Canada, some of the clauses in this agreement are provided below in French.\par 00000004F6B8 0000004512B8 0 \pard\li360\sb120\sa120 It also applies even if Sysinternals knew or should have known about the possibility of the damages. The above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you because your country may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental, consequential or other damages.\par 00000004F7E0 0000004513E0 0 \pard\fi-363\li720\sb120\sa120\'b7\tab claims for breach of contract, breach of warranty, guarantee or condition, strict liability, negligence, or other tort to the extent permitted by applicable law.\par 00000004F8B0 0000004514B0 0 \pard\fi-363\li720\sb120\sa120\tx720\'b7\tab anything related to the software, services, content (including code) on third party Internet sites, or third party programs; and\par 00000004F968 000000451568 0 \pard\li357\sb120\sa120\b0\caps0 This limitation applies to\par 00000004F9A8 0000004515A8 0 \pard\fi-360\li360\sb120\sa120\tx360\fs20 10.\tab\fs19 Limitation on and Exclusion of Remedies and Damages. You can recover from SYSINTERNALS and its suppliers only direct damages up to U.S. $5.00. You cannot recover any other damages, including consequential, lost profits, special, indirect or incidental damages.\par 00000004FAF0 0000004516F0 0 \fs20 9.\tab\fs19 Disclaimer of Warranty.\caps0 \caps The software is licensed \ldblquote as-is.\rdblquote You bear the risk of using it. SYSINTERNALS gives no express warranties, guarantees or conditions. You may have additional consumer rights under your local laws which this agreement cannot change. To the extent permitted under your local laws, SYSINTERNALS excludes the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.\par 00000004FCD8 0000004518D8 0 \pard\fi-357\li357\sb120\sa120\tx360\caps\fs20 8.\tab\fs19 Legal Effect.\b0\caps0 This agreement describes certain legal rights. You may have other rights under the laws of your country. You may also have rights with respect to the party from whom you acquired the software. This agreement does not change your rights under the laws of your country if the laws of your country do not permit it to do so.\b\caps\par 00000004FE80 000000451A80 0 \pard\fi-363\li720\sb120\sa120\fs20 b.\tab\fs19 Outside the United States.\b0 If you acquired the software in any other country, the laws of that country apply.\b\par 00000004FF30 000000451B30 0 \pard\fi-363\li720\sb120\sa120\tx720\cf0\fs20 a.\tab\fs19 United States.\b0 If you acquired the software in the United States, Washington state law governs the interpretation of this agreement and applies to claims for breach of it, regardless of conflict of laws principles. The laws of the state where you live govern all other claims, including claims under state consumer protection laws, unfair competition laws, and in tort.\b\par 0000000500E8 000000451CE8 0 \pard\keepn\fi-360\li360\sb120\sa120\tx360\cf2\b\caps\fs20 7.\tab\fs19 Applicable Law\caps0 .\par 000000050150 000000451D50 0 \caps\fs20 6.\tab\fs19 Entire Agreement.\b0\caps0 This agreement, and the terms for supplements, updates, Internet-based services and support services that you use, are the entire agreement for the software and support services.\par 000000050240 000000451E40 0 \caps\fs20 5.\tab\fs19 SUPPORT SERVICES.\caps0 \b0 Because this software is \ldblquote as is,\rdblquote we may not provide support services for it.\b\par 0000000502E0 000000451EE0 0 \caps\fs20 4.\tab\fs19 Export Restrictions\caps0 .\b0 The software is subject to United States export laws and regulations. You must comply with all domestic and international export laws and regulations that apply to the software. These laws include restrictions on destinations, end users and end use. For additional information, see \cf1\ul www.microsoft.com/exporting <http://www.microsoft.com/exporting>\cf0\ulnone .\b\par 000000050498 000000452098 0 \pard\fi-357\li357\sb120\sa120\tx360\b\fs20 3.\tab\fs19 DOCUMENTATION.\b0 Any person that has valid access to your computer or internal network may copy and use the documentation for your internal, reference purposes.\b\par 000000050580 000000452180 0 \'b7\tab use the software for commercial software hosting services.\par 0000000505C8 0000004521C8 0 \'b7\tab transfer the software or this agreement to any third party; or\par 000000050614 000000452214 0 \'b7\tab rent, lease or lend the software;\par 000000050644 000000452244 0 \'b7\tab publish the software for others to copy;\par 000000050680 000000452280 0 \'b7\tab make more copies of the software than specified in this agreement or allowed by applicable law, despite this limitation;\par 000000050708 000000452308 0 \pard\fi-363\li720\sb120\sa120\'b7\tab reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the binary versions of the software, except and only to the extent that applicable law expressly permits, despite this limitation;\par 0000000507E8 0000004523E8 0 \pard\fi-363\li720\sb120\sa120\tx720\b0\'b7\tab work around any technical limitations in the binary versions of the software;\par 000000050870 000000452470 0 \caps\fs20 2.\tab\fs19 Scope of License\caps0 .\b0 The software is licensed, not sold. This agreement only gives you some rights to use the software. Sysinternals reserves all other rights. Unless applicable law gives you more rights despite this limitation, you may use the software only as expressly permitted in this agreement. In doing so, you must comply with any technical limitations in the software that only allow you to use it in certain ways. You may not\b\par 000000050A50 000000452650 0 \pard\fi-357\li357\sb120\sa120\tx360\fs20 1.\tab\fs19 INSTALLATION AND USE RIGHTS. \b0 You may install and use any number of copies of the software on your devices.\b\par 000000050B00 000000452700 0 \pard\brdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp20 \sb120\sa120 If you comply with these license terms, you have the rights below.\par 000000050B78 000000452778 0 \b BY USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ACCEPT THESE TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THEM, DO NOT USE THE SOFTWARE.\par 000000050BE8 0000004527E8 0 \pard\sb120\sa120 for this software, unless other terms accompany those items. If so, those terms apply.\par 000000050C58 000000452858 0 \'b7\tab support services\par 000000050C78 000000452878 0 \'b7\tab Internet-based services, and \par 000000050CA4 0000004528A4 0 \pard\fi-363\li720\sb120\sa120\'b7\tab supplements,\par 000000050CDC 0000004528DC 0 \pard\fi-363\li720\sb120\sa120\tx720\'b7\tab updates,\par 000000050D18 000000452918 0 \pard\sb120\sa120\b0\fs19 These license terms are an agreement between Sysinternals (a wholly owned subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation) and you. Please read them. They apply to the software you are downloading from Systinternals.com, which includes the media on which you received it, if any. The terms also apply to any Sysinternals\par File pos Mem pos ID Text ======== ======= == ==== 000000050E70 000000452A70 0 {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\brdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp20 \sb120\sa120\b\f0\fs24 SYSINTERNALS SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS\fs28\par 000000050F08 000000452B08 0 {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;} 000000050F40 000000452B40 0 {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Tahoma;}} 0000000511C0 000000452DC0 0 CommandLineToArgvW 00000005130C 000000452F0C 0 Scanning file: 0000000517CC 0000004533CC 0 GetDiskFreeSpaceExW 0000000519D0 0000004535D0 0 RtlNtStatusToDosError 000000051A70 000000453670 0 NtFsControlFile 000000051E81 000000453A81 0 Invalid drive letter: %s 000000051E9A 000000453A9A 0 Argument must be formatted like d: 000000051EC0 000000453AC0 0 SDelete is set for %d pass%s. 000000051F00 000000453B00 0 Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection 00000005202C 000000453C2C 0 CorExitProcess 000000052054 000000453C54 0 runtime error 000000052068 000000453C68 0 TLOSS error 000000052078 000000453C78 0 SING error 000000052088 000000453C88 0 DOMAIN error 000000052098 000000453C98 0 R6034 00000005209F 000000453C9F 0 An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly. 0000000520ED 000000453CED 0 Please contact the application's support team for more information. 000000052138 000000453D38 0 R6033 00000005213F 000000453D3F 0 - Attempt to use MSIL code from this assembly during native code initialization 00000005218F 000000453D8F 0 This indicates a bug in your application. It is most likely the result of calling an MSIL-compiled (/clr) function from a native constructor or from DllMain. 000000052230 000000453E30 0 R6032 000000052237 000000453E37 0 - not enough space for locale information 000000052268 000000453E68 0 R6031 00000005226F 000000453E6F 0 - Attempt to initialize the CRT more than once. 00000005229F 000000453E9F 0 This indicates a bug in your application. 0000000522CC 000000453ECC 0 R6030 0000000522D3 000000453ED3 0 - CRT not initialized 0000000522EC 000000453EEC 0 R6028 0000000522F3 000000453EF3 0 - unable to initialize heap 000000052314 000000453F14 0 R6027 00000005231B 000000453F1B 0 - not enough space for lowio initialization 00000005234C 000000453F4C 0 R6026 000000052353 000000453F53 0 - not enough space for stdio initialization 000000052384 000000453F84 0 R6025 00000005238B 000000453F8B 0 - pure virtual function call 0000000523AC 000000453FAC 0 R6024 0000000523B3 000000453FB3 0 - not enough space for _onexit/atexit table 0000000523E4 000000453FE4 0 R6019 0000000523EB 000000453FEB 0 - unable to open console device 000000052410 000000454010 0 R6018 000000052417 000000454017 0 - unexpected heap error 000000052434 000000454034 0 R6017 00000005243B 00000045403B 0 - unexpected multithread lock error 000000052464 000000454064 0 R6016 00000005246B 00000045406B 0 - not enough space for thread data 000000052492 000000454092 0 This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. 0000000524E0 0000004540E0 0 Please contact the application's support team for more information. 000000052528 000000454128 0 R6009 00000005252F 00000045412F 0 - not enough space for environment 000000052554 000000454154 0 R6008 00000005255B 00000045415B 0 - not enough space for arguments 000000052580 000000454180 0 R6002 000000052587 000000454187 0 - floating point support not loaded 0000000525B0 0000004541B0 0 Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library 0000000525E0 0000004541E0 0 <program name unknown> 0000000525F8 0000004541F8 0 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0000004277C4 0 file exists 0000000263D0 0000004277D0 0 no such device 0000000263E0 0000004277E0 0 filename too long 0000000263F4 0000004277F4 0 device or resource busy 00000002640C 00000042780C 0 io error 000000026418 000000427818 0 directory not empty 00000002642C 00000042782C 0 invalid argument 000000026440 000000427840 0 no space on device 000000026454 000000427854 0 no such file or directory 000000026470 000000427870 0 function not supported 000000026488 000000427888 0 no lock available 00000002649C 00000042789C 0 not enough memory 0000000264B0 0000004278B0 0 resource unavailable try again 0000000264D0 0000004278D0 0 cross device link 0000000264E4 0000004278E4 0 operation canceled 0000000264F8 0000004278F8 0 too many files open 00000002650C 00000042790C 0 permission_denied 000000026520 000000427920 0 address_in_use 000000026530 000000427930 0 address_not_available 000000026548 000000427948 0 address_family_not_supported 000000026568 000000427968 0 connection_already_in_progress 000000026588 000000427988 0 bad_file_descriptor 00000002659C 00000042799C 0 connection_aborted 0000000265B0 0000004279B0 0 connection_refused 0000000265C4 0000004279C4 0 connection_reset 0000000265D8 0000004279D8 0 destination_address_required 0000000265F8 0000004279F8 0 bad_address 000000026604 000000427A04 0 host_unreachable 000000026618 000000427A18 0 operation_in_progress 000000026630 000000427A30 0 interrupted 00000002663C 000000427A3C 0 invalid_argument 000000026650 000000427A50 0 already_connected 000000026664 000000427A64 0 too_many_files_open 000000026678 000000427A78 0 message_size 000000026688 000000427A88 0 filename_too_long 00000002669C 000000427A9C 0 network_down 0000000266AC 000000427AAC 0 network_reset 0000000266BC 000000427ABC 0 network_unreachable 0000000266D0 000000427AD0 0 no_buffer_space 0000000266E0 000000427AE0 0 no_protocol_option File pos Mem pos ID Text ======== ======= == ==== 0000000266F4 000000427AF4 0 not_connected 000000026704 000000427B04 0 not_a_socket 000000026714 000000427B14 0 operation_not_supported 00000002672C 000000427B2C 0 protocol_not_supported 000000026744 000000427B44 0 wrong_protocol_type 000000026758 000000427B58 0 timed_out 000000026764 000000427B64 0 operation_would_block 00000002677C 000000427B7C 0 address family not supported 00000002679C 000000427B9C 0 address in use 0000000267AC 000000427BAC 0 address not available 0000000267C4 000000427BC4 0 already connected 0000000267D8 000000427BD8 0 argument list too long 0000000267F0 000000427BF0 0 argument out of domain 000000026808 000000427C08 0 bad address 000000026814 000000427C14 0 bad file descriptor 000000026828 000000427C28 0 bad message 000000026834 000000427C34 0 broken pipe 000000026840 000000427C40 0 connection aborted 000000026854 000000427C54 0 connection already in progress 000000026874 000000427C74 0 connection refused 000000026888 000000427C88 0 connection reset 00000002689C 000000427C9C 0 destination address required 0000000268BC 000000427CBC 0 executable format error 0000000268D4 000000427CD4 0 file too large 0000000268E4 000000427CE4 0 host unreachable 0000000268F8 000000427CF8 0 identifier removed 00000002690C 000000427D0C 0 illegal byte sequence 000000026924 000000427D24 0 inappropriate io control operation 000000026948 000000427D48 0 invalid seek 000000026958 000000427D58 0 is a directory 000000026968 000000427D68 0 message size 000000026978 000000427D78 0 network down 000000026988 000000427D88 0 network reset 000000026998 000000427D98 0 network unreachable 0000000269AC 000000427DAC 0 no buffer space 0000000269BC 000000427DBC 0 no child process 0000000269D0 000000427DD0 0 no link 0000000269D8 000000427DD8 0 no message available 0000000269F0 000000427DF0 0 no message 0000000269FC 000000427DFC 0 no protocol option 000000026A10 000000427E10 0 no stream resources 000000026A24 000000427E24 0 no such device or address 000000026A40 000000427E40 0 no such process 000000026A50 000000427E50 0 not a directory 000000026A60 000000427E60 0 not a socket 000000026A70 000000427E70 0 not a stream 000000026A80 000000427E80 0 not connected 000000026A90 000000427E90 0 not supported 000000026AA0 000000427EA0 0 operation in progress 000000026AB8 000000427EB8 0 operation not permitted 000000026AD0 000000427ED0 0 operation not supported 000000026AE8 000000427EE8 0 operation would block 000000026B00 000000427F00 0 owner dead 000000026B0C 000000427F0C 0 protocol error 000000026B1C 000000427F1C 0 protocol not supported 000000026B34 000000427F34 0 read only file system 000000026B4C 000000427F4C 0 resource deadlock would occur 000000026B6C 000000427F6C 0 result out of range 000000026B80 000000427F80 0 state not recoverable 000000026B98 000000427F98 0 stream timeout File pos Mem pos ID Text ======== ======= == ==== 000000026BA8 000000427FA8 0 text file busy 000000026BB8 000000427FB8 0 timed out 000000026BC4 000000427FC4 0 too many files open in system 000000026BE4 000000427FE4 0 too many links 000000026BF4 000000427FF4 0 too many symbolic link levels 000000026C14 000000428014 0 value too large 000000026C24 000000428024 0 wrong protocol type 000000026CB4 0000004280B4 0 bad allocation 000000026E44 000000428244 0 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 000000026E94 000000428294 0 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 000000026EC8 0000004282C8 0 000000026F58 000000428358 0 0123456789abcdefABCDEF 000000027044 000000428444 0 Unknown exception 00000002707C 00000042847C 0 CorExitProcess 0000000270BC 0000004284BC 0 bad exception 000000027678 000000428A78 0 !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\] 0000000276B9 000000428AB9 0 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ 0000000277F8 000000428BF8 0 !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\] 000000027839 000000428C39 0 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~ 0000000278F8 000000428CF8 0 FlsAlloc 000000027904 000000428D04 0 FlsFree 00000002790C 000000428D0C 0 FlsGetValue 000000027918 000000428D18 0 FlsSetValue 000000027924 000000428D24 0 InitializeCriticalSectionEx 000000027940 000000428D40 0 CreateSemaphoreExW 000000027954 000000428D54 0 SetThreadStackGuarantee 00000002796C 000000428D6C 0 CreateThreadpoolTimer 000000027984 000000428D84 0 SetThreadpoolTimer 000000027998 000000428D98 0 WaitForThreadpoolTimerCallbacks 0000000279B8 000000428DB8 0 CloseThreadpoolTimer 0000000279D0 000000428DD0 0 CreateThreadpoolWait 0000000279E8 000000428DE8 0 SetThreadpoolWait 0000000279FC 000000428DFC 0 CloseThreadpoolWait 000000027A10 000000428E10 0 FlushProcessWriteBuffers 000000027A2C 000000428E2C 0 FreeLibraryWhenCallbackReturns 000000027A4C 000000428E4C 0 GetCurrentProcessorNumber 000000027A68 000000428E68 0 GetLogicalProcessorInformation 000000027A88 000000428E88 0 CreateSymbolicLinkW 000000027A9C 000000428E9C 0 SetDefaultDllDirectories 000000027AB8 000000428EB8 0 EnumSystemLocalesEx 000000027ACC 000000428ECC 0 CompareStringEx 000000027ADC 000000428EDC 0 GetDateFormatEx 000000027AEC 000000428EEC 0 GetLocaleInfoEx 000000027AFC 000000428EFC 0 GetTimeFormatEx 000000027B0C 000000428F0C 0 GetUserDefaultLocaleName 000000027B28 000000428F28 0 IsValidLocaleName 000000027B3C 000000428F3C 0 LCMapStringEx 000000027B4C 000000428F4C 0 GetCurrentPackageId 00000002A71C 00000042BB1C 0 log10 00000002A754 00000042BB54 0 atan2 00000002A778 00000042BB78 0 floor 00000002A790 00000042BB90 0 ldexp 00000002A798 00000042BB98 0 _cabs 00000002A7A0 00000042BBA0 0 _hypot 00000002A7B0 00000042BBB0 0 frexp 00000002A7C4 00000042BBC4 0 _logb 00000002A7CC 00000042BBCC 0 _nextafter 00000002A7F4 00000042BBF4 0 Sunday 00000002A7FC 00000042BBFC 0 Monday 00000002A804 00000042BC04 0 Tuesday File pos Mem pos ID Text ======== ======= == ==== 00000002A80C 00000042BC0C 0 Wednesday 00000002A818 00000042BC18 0 Thursday 00000002A824 00000042BC24 0 Friday 00000002A82C 00000042BC2C 0 Saturday 00000002A868 00000042BC68 0 January 00000002A870 00000042BC70 0 February 00000002A87C 00000042BC7C 0 March 00000002A884 00000042BC84 0 April 00000002A89C 00000042BC9C 0 August 00000002A8A4 00000042BCA4 0 September 00000002A8B0 00000042BCB0 0 October 00000002A8B8 00000042BCB8 0 November 00000002A8C4 00000042BCC4 0 December 00000002A8D8 00000042BCD8 0 MM/dd/yy 00000002A8E4 00000042BCE4 0 dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy 00000002A8F8 00000042BCF8 0 HH:mm:ss 00000002AB28 00000042BF28 0 (null) 00000002AB61 00000042BF61 0 ( 8PX 00000002AB69 00000042BF69 0 700WP 00000002AB81 00000042BF81 0 xpxxxx 00000002ABA0 00000042BFA0 0 UTF-8 00000002ABA8 00000042BFA8 0 UTF-16LE 00000002ABB4 00000042BFB4 0 UNICODE 00000002ACB7 00000042C0B7 0 !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\] 00000002ACF8 00000042C0F8 0 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ 00000002AD3C 00000042C13C 0 e+000 00000002ADC4 00000042C1C4 0 SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 00000002ADDC 00000042C1DC 0 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 00000002AE1C 00000042C21C 0 MessageBoxW 00000002AE28 00000042C228 0 GetActiveWindow 00000002AE38 00000042C238 0 GetLastActivePopup 00000002AE4C 00000042C24C 0 GetUserObjectInformationW 00000002AE68 00000042C268 0 GetProcessWindowStation 00000002B008 00000042C408 0 __based( 00000002B014 00000042C414 0 __cdecl 00000002B01C 00000042C41C 0 __pascal 00000002B028 00000042C428 0 __stdcall 00000002B034 00000042C434 0 __thiscall 00000002B040 00000042C440 0 __fastcall 00000002B04C 00000042C44C 0 __clrcall 00000002B058 00000042C458 0 __eabi 00000002B060 00000042C460 0 __ptr64 00000002B068 00000042C468 0 __restrict 00000002B074 00000042C474 0 __unaligned 00000002B080 00000042C480 0 restrict( 00000002B094 00000042C494 0 delete 00000002B0B8 00000042C4B8 0 operator 00000002B139 00000042C539 0 vftable' 00000002B145 00000042C545 0 vbtable' 00000002B151 00000042C551 0 vcall' 00000002B159 00000042C559 0 typeof' 00000002B165 00000042C565 0 local static guard' 00000002B17D 00000042C57D 0 string' 00000002B189 00000042C589 0 vbase destructor' 00000002B19D 00000042C59D 0 vector deleting destructor' 00000002B1BD 00000042C5BD 0 default constructor closure' 00000002B1DD 00000042C5DD 0 scalar deleting destructor' 00000002B1FD 00000042C5FD 0 vector constructor iterator' 00000002B21D 00000042C61D 0 vector destructor iterator' 00000002B23D 00000042C63D 0 vector vbase constructor iterator' File pos Mem pos ID Text ======== ======= == ==== 00000002B261 00000042C661 0 virtual displacement map' 00000002B27D 00000042C67D 0 eh vector constructor iterator' 00000002B2A1 00000042C6A1 0 eh vector destructor iterator' 00000002B2C1 00000042C6C1 0 eh vector vbase constructor iterator' 00000002B2E9 00000042C6E9 0 copy constructor closure' 00000002B305 00000042C705 0 udt returning' 00000002B321 00000042C721 0 local vftable' 00000002B331 00000042C731 0 local vftable constructor closure' 00000002B354 00000042C754 0 new[] 00000002B35C 00000042C75C 0 delete[] 00000002B369 00000042C769 0 omni callsig' 00000002B379 00000042C779 0 placement delete closure' 00000002B395 00000042C795 0 placement delete[] closure' 00000002B3B5 00000042C7B5 0 managed vector constructor iterator' 00000002B3DD 00000042C7DD 0 managed vector destructor iterator' 00000002B405 00000042C805 0 eh vector copy constructor iterator' 00000002B42D 00000042C82D 0 eh vector vbase copy constructor iterator' 00000002B459 00000042C859 0 dynamic initializer for ' 00000002B475 00000042C875 0 dynamic atexit destructor for ' 00000002B499 00000042C899 0 vector copy constructor iterator' 00000002B4BD 00000042C8BD 0 vector vbase copy constructor iterator' 00000002B4E9 00000042C8E9 0 managed vector copy constructor iterator' 00000002B515 00000042C915 0 local static thread guard' 00000002B530 00000042C930 0 Type Descriptor' 00000002B544 00000042C944 0 Base Class Descriptor at ( 00000002B560 00000042C960 0 Base Class Array' 00000002B574 00000042C974 0 Class Hierarchy Descriptor' 00000002B594 00000042C994 0 Complete Object Locator' 00000002B5D5 00000042C9D5 0 ('8PW 00000002B5DE 00000042C9DE 0 700PP 00000002B5F9 00000042C9F9 0 xppwpp 00000002C3C0 00000042D7C0 0 CreateFile2 00000002C3DC 00000042D7DC 0 1#SNAN 00000002C3E4 00000042D7E4 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00000042DA0C 0 Bills left: 00000002C61C 00000042DA1C 0 time(s) 00000002C628 00000042DA28 0 Wrong key. Tried: 00000002C63C 00000042DA3C 0 Enter second key. Press 9 to pause, 8 to permanently delete 00000002C680 00000042DA80 0 del.exe 00000002C690 00000042DA90 0 " /accepteula -p 3 -q " File pos Mem pos ID Text ======== ======= == ==== 00000002C6AB 00000042DAAB 0 shutdown -t 0 -r -f 00000002C6C0 00000042DAC0 0 del "%~f0" 00000002C6CF 00000042DACF 0 del " 00000002C6DA 00000042DADA 0 del " 00000002C6E0 00000042DAE0 0 ">NUL 00000002C6E7 00000042DAE7 0 if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto start 00000002C70C 00000042DB0C 0 " 2>NUL | find /I /N " 00000002C724 00000042DB24 0 :start 00000002C72C 00000042DB2C 0 tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq 00000002C748 00000042DB48 0 del.bat 00000002C754 00000042DB54 0 cmd.exe /C " 00000002C764 00000042DB64 0 cmd.exe 00000002C784 00000042DB84 0 ERROR 00000002D650 00000042EA50 0 Blocking operation in progress 00000002D670 00000042EA70 0 No blocking operation in progress 00000002D694 00000042EA94 0 Device WFS_ERR_OP_IN_PROGRESS 00000002D6B4 00000042EAB4 0 pinpad is busy 00000002D6C4 00000042EAC4 0 pinpad not busy 00000002D6F0 00000042EAF0 0 Pinpad1 00000002D6F8 00000042EAF8 0 Failed to open registry 00000002D7DB 00000042EBDB 0 raB3G 00000002F862 000000430C62 0 GetCurrentProcess 00000002F876 000000430C76 0 Sleep 00000002F87E 000000430C7E 0 GetCurrentThreadId 00000002F894 000000430C94 0 CloseHandle 00000002F8A2 000000430CA2 0 GetCurrentProcessId 00000002F8B8 000000430CB8 0 GetModuleFileNameA 00000002F8CE 000000430CCE 0 GetLastError 00000002F8DE 000000430CDE 0 GetVolumeInformationW 00000002F8F6 000000430CF6 0 CreateMutexW 00000002F906 000000430D06 0 GetModuleFileNameW 00000002F91C 000000430D1C 0 OpenMutexW 00000002F92A 000000430D2A 0 SetLastError 00000002F93A 000000430D3A 0 GetSystemTime 00000002F94A 000000430D4A 0 CreateThread 00000002F958 000000430D58 0 KERNEL32.dll 00000002F968 000000430D68 0 ShowWindow 00000002F976 000000430D76 0 SetThreadDesktop 00000002F98A 000000430D8A 0 SwitchDesktop 00000002F99A 000000430D9A 0 CloseDesktop 00000002F9AA 000000430DAA 0 OpenInputDesktop 00000002F9BE 000000430DBE 0 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\pard\lang1033\b0\fs20\par 00000004ECB0 0000004508B0 0 \b EFFET JURIDIQUE.\b0 Le pr\'e9sent contrat d\'e9crit certains droits juridiques. Vous pourriez avoir d'autres droits pr\'e9vus par les lois de votre pays. Le pr\'e9sent contrat ne modifie pas les droits que vous conf\'e8rent les lois de votre pays si celles-ci ne le permettent pas.\b\par 00000004EDD8 0000004509D8 0 \pard\sb120\sa120 Elle s'applique \'e9galement, m\'eame si Sysinternals connaissait ou devrait conna\'eetre l'\'e9ventualit\'e9 d'un tel dommage. Si votre pays n'autorise pas l'exclusion ou la limitation de responsabilit\'e9 pour les dommages indirects, accessoires ou de quelque nature que ce soit, il se peut que la limitation ou l'exclusion ci-dessus ne s'appliquera pas \'e0 votre \'e9gard.\par 00000004EF68 000000450B68 0 \pard\fi-363\li720\sb120\sa120\tx720\'b7\tab les r\'e9clamations au titre de violation de contrat ou de garantie, ou au titre de responsabilit\'e9 stricte, de n\'e9gligence ou d'une autre faute dans la limite autoris\'e9e par la loi en vigueur.\par 00000004F068 000000450C68 0 \pard\keepn\fi-360\li720\sb120\sa120\tx720\lang1036\'b7\tab tout ce qui est reli\'e9 au logiciel, aux services ou au contenu (y compris le code) figurant sur des sites Internet tiers ou dans des programmes tiers ; et\par 00000004F148 000000450D48 0 \lang1033 Cette limitation concerne :\par 00000004F178 000000450D78 0 \pard\keepn\sb120\sa120\b LIMITATION DES DOMMAGES-INT\'c9R\'caTS ET EXCLUSION DE RESPONSABILIT\'c9 POUR LES DOMMAGES.\b0 Vous pouvez obtenir de Sysinternals et de ses fournisseurs une indemnisation en cas de dommages directs uniquement \'e0 hauteur de 5,00 $ US. Vous ne pouvez pr\'e9tendre \'e0 aucune indemnisation pour les autres dommages, y compris les dommages sp\'e9ciaux, indirects ou accessoires et pertes de b\'e9n\'e9fices.\par 00000004F330 000000450F30 0 \pard\sb120\sa120 EXON\'c9RATION DE GARANTIE.\b0 Le logiciel vis\'e9 par une licence est offert \'ab tel quel \'bb. Toute utilisation de ce logiciel est \'e0 votre seule risque et p\'e9ril. Sysinternals n'accorde aucune autre garantie expresse. Vous pouvez b\'e9n\'e9ficier de droits additionnels en vertu du droit local sur la protection dues consommateurs, que ce contrat ne peut modifier. La ou elles sont permises par le droit locale, les garanties implicites de qualit\'e9 marchande, d'ad\'e9quation \'e0 un usage particulier et d'absence de contrefa\'e7on sont exclues.\par 00000004F578 000000451178 0 \pard\sb240\lang1036 Remarque : Ce logiciel \'e9tant distribu\'e9 au Qu\'e9bec, Canada, certaines des clauses dans ce contrat sont fournies ci-dessous en fran\'e7ais.\par 00000004F628 000000451228 0 \pard\b Please note: As this software is distributed in Quebec, Canada, some of the clauses in this agreement are provided below in French.\par 00000004F6B8 0000004512B8 0 \pard\li360\sb120\sa120 It also applies even if Sysinternals knew or should have known about the possibility of the damages. The above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you because your country may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental, consequential or other damages.\par 00000004F7E0 0000004513E0 0 \pard\fi-363\li720\sb120\sa120\'b7\tab claims for breach of contract, breach of warranty, guarantee or condition, strict liability, negligence, or other tort to the extent permitted by applicable law.\par 00000004F8B0 0000004514B0 0 \pard\fi-363\li720\sb120\sa120\tx720\'b7\tab anything related to the software, services, content (including code) on third party Internet sites, or third party programs; and\par 00000004F968 000000451568 0 \pard\li357\sb120\sa120\b0\caps0 This limitation applies to\par 00000004F9A8 0000004515A8 0 \pard\fi-360\li360\sb120\sa120\tx360\fs20 10.\tab\fs19 Limitation on and Exclusion of Remedies and Damages. You can recover from SYSINTERNALS and its suppliers only direct damages up to U.S. $5.00. You cannot recover any other damages, including consequential, lost profits, special, indirect or incidental damages.\par 00000004FAF0 0000004516F0 0 \fs20 9.\tab\fs19 Disclaimer of Warranty.\caps0 \caps The software is licensed \ldblquote as-is.\rdblquote You bear the risk of using it. SYSINTERNALS gives no express warranties, guarantees or conditions. You may have additional consumer rights under your local laws which this agreement cannot change. To the extent permitted under your local laws, SYSINTERNALS excludes the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.\par 00000004FCD8 0000004518D8 0 \pard\fi-357\li357\sb120\sa120\tx360\caps\fs20 8.\tab\fs19 Legal Effect.\b0\caps0 This agreement describes certain legal rights. You may have other rights under the laws of your country. You may also have rights with respect to the party from whom you acquired the software. This agreement does not change your rights under the laws of your country if the laws of your country do not permit it to do so.\b\caps\par 00000004FE80 000000451A80 0 \pard\fi-363\li720\sb120\sa120\fs20 b.\tab\fs19 Outside the United States.\b0 If you acquired the software in any other country, the laws of that country apply.\b\par 00000004FF30 000000451B30 0 \pard\fi-363\li720\sb120\sa120\tx720\cf0\fs20 a.\tab\fs19 United States.\b0 If you acquired the software in the United States, Washington state law governs the interpretation of this agreement and applies to claims for breach of it, regardless of conflict of laws principles. The laws of the state where you live govern all other claims, including claims under state consumer protection laws, unfair competition laws, and in tort.\b\par 0000000500E8 000000451CE8 0 \pard\keepn\fi-360\li360\sb120\sa120\tx360\cf2\b\caps\fs20 7.\tab\fs19 Applicable Law\caps0 .\par 000000050150 000000451D50 0 \caps\fs20 6.\tab\fs19 Entire Agreement.\b0\caps0 This agreement, and the terms for supplements, updates, Internet-based services and support services that you use, are the entire agreement for the software and support services.\par 000000050240 000000451E40 0 \caps\fs20 5.\tab\fs19 SUPPORT SERVICES.\caps0 \b0 Because this software is \ldblquote as is,\rdblquote we may not provide support services for it.\b\par 0000000502E0 000000451EE0 0 \caps\fs20 4.\tab\fs19 Export Restrictions\caps0 .\b0 The software is subject to United States export laws and regulations. You must comply with all domestic and international export laws and regulations that apply to the software. These laws include restrictions on destinations, end users and end use. For additional information, see \cf1\ul www.microsoft.com/exporting <http://www.microsoft.com/exporting>\cf0\ulnone .\b\par 000000050498 000000452098 0 \pard\fi-357\li357\sb120\sa120\tx360\b\fs20 3.\tab\fs19 DOCUMENTATION.\b0 Any person that has valid access to your computer or internal network may copy and use the documentation for your internal, reference purposes.\b\par 000000050580 000000452180 0 \'b7\tab use the software for commercial software hosting services.\par 0000000505C8 0000004521C8 0 \'b7\tab transfer the software or this agreement to any third party; or\par 000000050614 000000452214 0 \'b7\tab rent, lease or lend the software;\par 000000050644 000000452244 0 \'b7\tab publish the software for others to copy;\par 000000050680 000000452280 0 \'b7\tab make more copies of the software than specified in this agreement or allowed by applicable law, despite this limitation;\par 000000050708 000000452308 0 \pard\fi-363\li720\sb120\sa120\'b7\tab reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the binary versions of the software, except and only to the extent that applicable law expressly permits, despite this limitation;\par 0000000507E8 0000004523E8 0 \pard\fi-363\li720\sb120\sa120\tx720\b0\'b7\tab work around any technical limitations in the binary versions of the software;\par File pos Mem pos ID Text ======== ======= == ==== 000000050870 000000452470 0 \caps\fs20 2.\tab\fs19 Scope of License\caps0 .\b0 The software is licensed, not sold. This agreement only gives you some rights to use the software. Sysinternals reserves all other rights. Unless applicable law gives you more rights despite this limitation, you may use the software only as expressly permitted in this agreement. In doing so, you must comply with any technical limitations in the software that only allow you to use it in certain ways. You may not\b\par 000000050A50 000000452650 0 \pard\fi-357\li357\sb120\sa120\tx360\fs20 1.\tab\fs19 INSTALLATION AND USE RIGHTS. \b0 You may install and use any number of copies of the software on your devices.\b\par 000000050B00 000000452700 0 \pard\brdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp20 \sb120\sa120 If you comply with these license terms, you have the rights below.\par 000000050B78 000000452778 0 \b BY USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ACCEPT THESE TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THEM, DO NOT USE THE SOFTWARE.\par 000000050BE8 0000004527E8 0 \pard\sb120\sa120 for this software, unless other terms accompany those items. If so, those terms apply.\par 000000050C58 000000452858 0 \'b7\tab support services\par 000000050C78 000000452878 0 \'b7\tab Internet-based services, and \par 000000050CA4 0000004528A4 0 \pard\fi-363\li720\sb120\sa120\'b7\tab supplements,\par 000000050CDC 0000004528DC 0 \pard\fi-363\li720\sb120\sa120\tx720\'b7\tab updates,\par 000000050D18 000000452918 0 \pard\sb120\sa120\b0\fs19 These license terms are an agreement between Sysinternals (a wholly owned subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation) and you. Please read them. They apply to the software you are downloading from Systinternals.com, which includes the media on which you received it, if any. The terms also apply to any Sysinternals\par 000000050E70 000000452A70 0 {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\brdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp20 \sb120\sa120\b\f0\fs24 SYSINTERNALS SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS\fs28\par 000000050F08 000000452B08 0 {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;} 000000050F40 000000452B40 0 {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Tahoma;}} 0000000511C0 000000452DC0 0 CommandLineToArgvW 00000005130C 000000452F0C 0 Scanning file: 0000000517CC 0000004533CC 0 GetDiskFreeSpaceExW 0000000519D0 0000004535D0 0 RtlNtStatusToDosError 000000051A70 000000453670 0 NtFsControlFile 000000051E81 000000453A81 0 Invalid drive letter: %s 000000051E9A 000000453A9A 0 Argument must be formatted like d: 000000051EC0 000000453AC0 0 SDelete is set for %d pass%s. 000000051F00 000000453B00 0 Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection 00000005202C 000000453C2C 0 CorExitProcess 000000052054 000000453C54 0 runtime error 000000052068 000000453C68 0 TLOSS error 000000052078 000000453C78 0 SING error 000000052088 000000453C88 0 DOMAIN error 000000052098 000000453C98 0 R6034 00000005209F 000000453C9F 0 An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly. 0000000520ED 000000453CED 0 Please contact the application's support team for more information. 000000052138 000000453D38 0 R6033 00000005213F 000000453D3F 0 - Attempt to use MSIL code from this assembly during native code initialization 00000005218F 000000453D8F 0 This indicates a bug in your application. It is most likely the result of calling an MSIL-compiled (/clr) function from a native constructor or from DllMain. 000000052230 000000453E30 0 R6032 000000052237 000000453E37 0 - not enough space for locale information 000000052268 000000453E68 0 R6031 00000005226F 000000453E6F 0 - Attempt to initialize the CRT more than once. 00000005229F 000000453E9F 0 This indicates a bug in your application. 0000000522CC 000000453ECC 0 R6030 0000000522D3 000000453ED3 0 - CRT not initialized 0000000522EC 000000453EEC 0 R6028 0000000522F3 000000453EF3 0 - unable to initialize heap 000000052314 000000453F14 0 R6027 00000005231B 000000453F1B 0 - not enough space for lowio initialization 00000005234C 000000453F4C 0 R6026 000000052353 000000453F53 0 - not enough space for stdio initialization 000000052384 000000453F84 0 R6025 00000005238B 000000453F8B 0 - pure virtual function call 0000000523AC 000000453FAC 0 R6024 0000000523B3 000000453FB3 0 - not enough space for _onexit/atexit table 0000000523E4 000000453FE4 0 R6019 0000000523EB 000000453FEB 0 - unable to open console device 000000052410 000000454010 0 R6018 000000052417 000000454017 0 - unexpected heap error 000000052434 000000454034 0 R6017 00000005243B 00000045403B 0 - unexpected multithread lock error 000000052464 000000454064 0 R6016 00000005246B 00000045406B 0 - not enough space for thread data 000000052492 000000454092 0 This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. 0000000524E0 0000004540E0 0 Please contact the application's support team for more information. File pos Mem pos ID Text ======== ======= == ==== 000000052528 000000454128 0 R6009 00000005252F 00000045412F 0 - not enough space for environment 000000052554 000000454154 0 R6008 00000005255B 00000045415B 0 - not enough space for arguments 000000052580 000000454180 0 R6002 000000052587 000000454187 0 - floating point support not loaded 0000000525B0 0000004541B0 0 Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library 0000000525E0 0000004541E0 0 <program name unknown> 0000000525F8 0000004541F8 0 Runtime Error! 000000052608 000000454208 0 Program: 00000005261C 00000045421C 0 LC_TIME 000000052624 000000454224 0 LC_NUMERIC 000000052630 000000454230 0 LC_MONETARY 00000005263C 00000045423C 0 LC_CTYPE 000000052648 000000454248 0 LC_COLLATE 000000052654 000000454254 0 LC_ALL 0000000526C7 0000004542C7 0 !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\] 000000052708 000000454308 0 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ 000000052744 000000454344 0 EncodePointer 000000052770 000000454370 0 DecodePointer 000000052780 000000454380 0 FlsFree 000000052788 000000454388 0 FlsSetValue 000000052794 000000454394 0 FlsGetValue 0000000527A0 0000004543A0 0 FlsAlloc 0000000527BC 0000004543BC 0 (null) 0000000527E9 0000004543E9 0 ( 8PX 0000000527F1 0000004543F1 0 700WP 000000052809 000000454409 0 xpxxxx 0000000528A0 0000004544A0 0 SystemFunction036 0000000528B4 0000004544B4 0 ADVAPI32.DLL 0000000528C4 0000004544C4 0 GetProcessWindowStation 0000000528DC 0000004544DC 0 GetUserObjectInformationA 0000000528F8 0000004544F8 0 GetLastActivePopup 00000005290C 00000045450C 0 GetActiveWindow 00000005291C 00000045451C 0 MessageBoxA 000000052928 000000454528 0 USER32.DLL 000000052EE0 000000454AE0 0 !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\] 000000052F21 000000454B21 0 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ 000000053060 000000454C60 0 !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\] 0000000530A1 000000454CA1 0 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~ 000000053140 000000454D40 0 HH:mm:ss 00000005314C 000000454D4C 0 dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy 000000053160 000000454D60 0 MM/dd/yy 000000053174 000000454D74 0 December 000000053180 000000454D80 0 November 00000005318C 000000454D8C 0 October 000000053194 000000454D94 0 September 0000000531A0 000000454DA0 0 August 0000000531B8 000000454DB8 0 April 0000000531C0 000000454DC0 0 March 0000000531C8 000000454DC8 0 February 0000000531D4 000000454DD4 0 January 00000005320C 000000454E0C 0 Saturday 000000053218 000000454E18 0 Friday 000000053220 000000454E20 0 Thursday 00000005322C 000000454E2C 0 Wednesday 000000053238 000000454E38 0 Tuesday 000000053240 000000454E40 0 Monday 000000053248 000000454E48 0 Sunday 000000053270 000000454E70 0 am/pm File pos Mem pos ID Text ======== ======= == ==== 000000053278 000000454E78 0 united-states 000000053288 000000454E88 0 united-kingdom 000000053298 000000454E98 0 trinidad & tobago 0000000532AC 000000454EAC 0 south-korea 0000000532B8 000000454EB8 0 south-africa 0000000532C8 000000454EC8 0 south korea 0000000532D4 000000454ED4 0 south africa 0000000532E4 000000454EE4 0 slovak 0000000532EC 000000454EEC 0 puerto-rico 0000000532F8 000000454EF8 0 pr-china 000000053304 000000454F04 0 pr china 000000053314 000000454F14 0 new-zealand 000000053320 000000454F20 0 hong-kong 00000005332C 000000454F2C 0 holland 000000053334 000000454F34 0 great britain 000000053344 000000454F44 0 england 00000005334C 000000454F4C 0 czech 000000053354 000000454F54 0 china 00000005335C 000000454F5C 0 britain 000000053364 000000454F64 0 america 000000053378 000000454F78 0 swiss 000000053380 000000454F80 0 swedish-finland 000000053390 000000454F90 0 spanish-venezuela 0000000533A4 000000454FA4 0 spanish-uruguay 0000000533B4 000000454FB4 0 spanish-puerto rico 0000000533C8 000000454FC8 0 spanish-peru 0000000533D8 000000454FD8 0 spanish-paraguay 0000000533EC 000000454FEC 0 spanish-panama 0000000533FC 000000454FFC 0 spanish-nicaragua 000000053410 000000455010 0 spanish-modern 000000053420 000000455020 0 spanish-mexican 000000053430 000000455030 0 spanish-honduras 000000053444 000000455044 0 spanish-guatemala 000000053458 000000455058 0 spanish-el salvador 00000005346C 00000045506C 0 spanish-ecuador 00000005347C 00000045507C 0 spanish-dominican republic 000000053498 000000455098 0 spanish-costa rica 0000000534AC 0000004550AC 0 spanish-colombia 0000000534C0 0000004550C0 0 spanish-chile 0000000534D0 0000004550D0 0 spanish-bolivia 0000000534E0 0000004550E0 0 spanish-argentina 0000000534F4 0000004550F4 0 portuguese-brazilian 00000005350C 00000045510C 0 norwegian-nynorsk 000000053520 000000455120 0 norwegian-bokmal 000000053534 000000455134 0 norwegian 000000053540 000000455140 0 italian-swiss 000000053550 000000455150 0 irish-english 000000053560 000000455160 0 german-swiss 000000053570 000000455170 0 german-luxembourg 000000053584 000000455184 0 german-lichtenstein 000000053598 000000455198 0 german-austrian 0000000535A8 0000004551A8 0 french-swiss 0000000535B8 0000004551B8 0 french-luxembourg 0000000535CC 0000004551CC 0 french-canadian 0000000535DC 0000004551DC 0 french-belgian 0000000535EC 0000004551EC 0 english-usa 0000000535F8 0000004551F8 0 english-us 000000053604 000000455204 0 english-uk 000000053610 000000455210 0 english-trinidad y tobago 00000005362C 00000045522C 0 english-south africa File pos Mem pos ID Text ======== ======= == ==== 000000053644 000000455244 0 english-nz 000000053650 000000455250 0 english-jamaica 000000053660 000000455260 0 english-ire 00000005366C 00000045526C 0 english-caribbean 000000053680 000000455280 0 english-can 00000005368C 00000045528C 0 english-belize 00000005369C 00000045529C 0 english-aus 0000000536A8 0000004552A8 0 english-american 0000000536BC 0000004552BC 0 dutch-belgian 0000000536CC 0000004552CC 0 chinese-traditional 0000000536E0 0000004552E0 0 chinese-singapore 0000000536F4 0000004552F4 0 chinese-simplified 000000053708 000000455308 0 chinese-hongkong 00000005371C 00000045531C 0 chinese 00000005372C 00000045532C 0 canadian 000000053738 000000455338 0 belgian 000000053740 000000455340 0 australian 00000005374C 00000045534C 0 american-english 000000053760 000000455360 0 american english 000000053774 000000455374 0 american 000000053A60 000000455660 0 Norwegian-Nynorsk 000000053A9D 00000045569D 0 ('8PW 000000053AA6 0000004556A6 0 700PP 000000053AC1 0000004556C1 0 xppwpp 000000053AD4 0000004556D4 0 SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 000000053AEC 0000004556EC 0 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 000000053B18 000000455718 0 CONIN$ 000000053B20 000000455720 0 CONOUT$ 000000053B88 000000455788 0 c:\src\Misc\sdel\Release\sdelete.pdb 0000000544EE 0000004560EE 0 GetModuleHandleW 000000054502 000000456102 0 LocalFree 00000005450E 00000045610E 0 LoadLibraryW 00000005451E 00000045611E 0 LocalAlloc 00000005452C 00000045612C 0 GetCommandLineW 00000005453E 00000045613E 0 GetProcAddress 000000054550 000000456150 0 FormatMessageW 000000054562 000000456162 0 MoveFileW 00000005456E 00000045616E 0 ReadFile 00000005457A 00000045617A 0 WriteFile 000000054586 000000456186 0 VirtualFree 000000054594 000000456194 0 SetFilePointer 0000000545A6 0000004561A6 0 VirtualAlloc 0000000545B6 0000004561B6 0 SetFileAttributesW 0000000545CC 0000004561CC 0 GetFileAttributesW 0000000545E2 0000004561E2 0 DeleteFileW 0000000545F0 0000004561F0 0 CloseHandle 0000000545FE 0000004561FE 0 GetLastError 00000005460E 00000045620E 0 CreateFileW 00000005461C 00000045621C 0 WaitForSingleObject 000000054632 000000456232 0 GetDiskFreeSpaceW 000000054646 000000456246 0 FindClose 000000054652 000000456252 0 FindNextFileW 000000054662 000000456262 0 RemoveDirectoryW 000000054676 000000456276 0 FindFirstFileW 000000054688 000000456288 0 DeviceIoControl 00000005469A 00000045629A 0 ExpandEnvironmentStringsW 0000000546B6 0000004562B6 0 GetVersion 0000000546C4 0000004562C4 0 GetFullPathNameW 0000000546D8 0000004562D8 0 GetCurrentDirectoryW 0000000546EE 0000004562EE 0 KERNEL32.dll File pos Mem pos ID Text ======== ======= == ==== 0000000546FE 0000004562FE 0 SendMessageW 00000005470E 00000045630E 0 InflateRect 00000005471C 00000045631C 0 SetCursor 000000054728 000000456328 0 LoadCursorW 000000054736 000000456336 0 SetWindowTextW 000000054748 000000456348 0 EndDialog 000000054754 000000456354 0 GetSysColorBrush 000000054768 000000456368 0 GetDlgItem 000000054776 000000456376 0 DialogBoxIndirectParamW 00000005478E 00000045638E 0 USER32.dll 00000005479C 00000045639C 0 EndDoc 0000000547A6 0000004563A6 0 EndPage 0000000547B0 0000004563B0 0 StartPage 0000000547BC 0000004563BC 0 StartDocW 0000000547C8 0000004563C8 0 SetMapMode 0000000547D6 0000004563D6 0 GetDeviceCaps 0000000547E4 0000004563E4 0 GDI32.dll 0000000547F0 0000004563F0 0 PrintDlgW 0000000547FA 0000004563FA 0 COMDLG32.dll 00000005480A 00000045640A 0 RegCloseKey 000000054818 000000456418 0 RegSetValueExW 00000005482A 00000045642A 0 RegQueryValueExW 00000005483E 00000045643E 0 RegCreateKeyW 00000005484C 00000045644C 0 ADVAPI32.dll 00000005485C 00000045645C 0 HeapAlloc 000000054868 000000456468 0 HeapFree 000000054874 000000456474 0 GetSystemTimeAsFileTime 00000005488E 00000045648E 0 EnterCriticalSection 0000000548A6 0000004564A6 0 LeaveCriticalSection 0000000548BE 0000004564BE 0 Sleep 0000000548C6 0000004564C6 0 ExitProcess 0000000548D4 0000004564D4 0 DeleteCriticalSection 0000000548EC 0000004564EC 0 FatalAppExitA 0000000548FC 0000004564FC 0 HeapReAlloc 00000005490A 00000045650A 0 HeapCreate 000000054918 000000456518 0 HeapDestroy 000000054926 000000456526 0 GetStdHandle 000000054936 000000456536 0 GetModuleFileNameA 00000005494C 00000045654C 0 TerminateProcess 000000054960 000000456560 0 GetCurrentProcess 000000054974 000000456574 0 UnhandledExceptionFilter 000000054990 000000456590 0 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 0000000549AE 0000004565AE 0 IsDebuggerPresent 0000000549C2 0000004565C2 0 GetCPInfo 0000000549CE 0000004565CE 0 InterlockedIncrement 0000000549E6 0000004565E6 0 InterlockedDecrement 0000000549FE 0000004565FE 0 GetACP 000000054A08 000000456608 0 GetOEMCP 000000054A14 000000456614 0 IsValidCodePage 000000054A26 000000456626 0 TlsGetValue 000000054A34 000000456634 0 TlsAlloc 000000054A40 000000456640 0 TlsSetValue 000000054A4E 00000045664E 0 TlsFree 000000054A58 000000456658 0 SetLastError 000000054A68 000000456668 0 GetCurrentThreadId 000000054A7E 00000045667E 0 GetCurrentThread 000000054A92 000000456692 0 WideCharToMultiByte 000000054AA8 0000004566A8 0 GetConsoleCP 000000054AB8 0000004566B8 0 GetConsoleMode 000000054ACA 0000004566CA 0 FlushFileBuffers File pos Mem pos ID Text ======== ======= == ==== 000000054ADE 0000004566DE 0 SetHandleCount 000000054AF0 0000004566F0 0 GetFileType 000000054AFE 0000004566FE 0 GetStartupInfoA 000000054B10 000000456710 0 SetConsoleCtrlHandler 000000054B28 000000456728 0 FreeLibrary 000000054B36 000000456736 0 InterlockedExchange 000000054B4C 00000045674C 0 LoadLibraryA 000000054B5C 00000045675C 0 InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount 000000054B84 000000456784 0 GetModuleFileNameW 000000054B9A 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